Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Pencil frame


Guy P. Ciurezu said...

ke lapiz señor ke lapiiiiiizzzz , a primer golpe de lapiz? ufff aguita...me permites llamarte maestro, maestro? sta genial, por cierto
no se si es buen lugar para preguntar, pero quisiera preguntarte sobre el precio por frame, que la productora con la que estoy no se si me keiere astillar o ke

chhuy-ing said...

Wow! You have such a beautiful line here! I'm in love with it.

And by the way, your whole blog is very impressive (so I've linked you, I'm sure I'll learn a lot).

She-Thing said...

Unas beauty drawings Ernes! (btw ya tengo blog :P)

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...


Giovanni Gualdoni said...

Yours is great art, I befriend! I make you my compliments! :)

The sequence with the airplane is spectacular. Great suggestion also for the illustration with the planet. :)

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

waiting for more