Thursday, December 22, 2005



Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

thanks 4 the card and all the best in the new year once again appreciate your drop in's alway's

kcirbuk said...

Feliz año nuevo!!

kcirbuk said...

Grácias por tu amable comentario.
Te digo que me tendrás merodeando por tu estupendo Blog.
Y lo dicho...FELIZ AÑO!
Tu amigo..

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

Happy new year's and all that good stuff my best wishes 4 u and your's this year rock the world with that awesome work of yours!!

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

happy new year's and thank u 4 all the continued support this past year it meant so much to me and will always be appreciate here's to one day working together and u have the best time with life and your career.

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

hey thanks for stopin in again, yes the profit margins were wide. Just ont in what you might except, it was caring acts, kind words, encouragement,love support, strenght,and possible new friends and allies. For this I am most greatful appreciatize of I look forward to a continued growth in friends and relationship as time passes us by. I am truly a fan of your work now and I will ttry my very best to conyinue to keep a tab on what your up to, all the BEST my FRRIEND. said...

Felices fiestas a ti tambien ;)

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

just want to say thanks for all your support it meant alot to me. hope to see more of your beautiful art soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ernesto, un gran abrazo y mis desos de logros y prosperidad para todos, me gustó mucho este Santa Claus,
CArlos Fumagalli

kcirbuk said...

Para cuando más dibujacos tuyos??


Oscar Grillo said...

Carisimo Alberto...
No puedo imaginar como a un dibujante tan espectacular como vos (Soy Argentino) le puedan gustar los dibujos de mierda que hago yo.
(Falsa modestia!!)
Tengo recuerdos agradabilisimos de Castelldefels, donde tienen en los muros carteles que dicen "La Netedat es una gran senyal de civilisatió" (O algo parecido!)

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

just dropped in to see what was happening over on your side

Anonymous said...

plz show more of u r work or send me mail my e-mail id was
plz send me u r e-mail. id

u r work was very classic

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Anonymous said...

well.. it's like I said!