Saturday, January 03, 2009

(... or drawing with my younger daughter on my lap)

When she finished to fill the dog with colors, I asked
what do you think he is thinking?
She began to draw the landscape, the sun, I did the running dog.
"These dogs usually are white, but when they have these
thoughts they turn into these colors...".. we laughed.
I continued watching him, the leash, the way he was looking
the scene, and I thought that it was a WISH.
And all this story is for if you want to fill (or feel) your 2009's WISH,
this drawing comes together with a copy, but with a blank balloon.


flaviano said...

are you two poets! that's awesome concept! a really smart post to start the new year!

Unknown said...

Que pna que mi hijo ya no tenga edad para que le guste esto! Un abrazo y feliz año nuevo!

hans bacher said...

great idea ernesto. I just hope that not another BUBBLE might burst...

C.B. Canga said...

nice job on this blog. keep it up.

Edgar Cabrera said...

Oh Ernesto! what a nice post! Hoy en efecto conoci un perrito llamado Stewie que se parece mucho a este perrito. Cuidado con tu hija! si sigue dibujando te va a superar en talento!! Buena suerte hermano!

Lubomir said...

Wonderful drawings here!

Marcos Mateu said...

Es el perro mas feliz que he visto en mucho tiempo! ...y me encanta que deje espacio para nuestros deseos Feliz 2009.

Unknown said...

Love the concept!

Joe Karg said...

That's so sweet. Great image.


Anonymous said...

Soy Andrea, la hija de Amparo del British School. Mi madre me comentó que tu hija estaba interesada en saber cosas sobre la escuela en la que estudio ilustración. Intenté mandarle un e-mail, pero crreo que la dirección estaba equivocada. Podeis contactar conmigo cuando querais, mi e-mail es
Por otro lado, estoy muy interesada en tu trabajo y me gustaría saber como es y en qué consiste exactamente.

Rustam F. Hasanov said...

Incredible drawings! The way you retain allot of that energy in your paintings is impressive